School Presentations
It has been a passion of mine for the last 29 years to present to schools and impact as many lives as possible. My presentation focuses on Social & Emotional Learning and Alcohol Awareness Education.
Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) - The days of teaching from textbooks are over. Today's students need more. Within my presentation, I cover the 5 Learning Standards for SEL and motivate your students to achieve self-empowerment, giving them the tools necessary to lead a successful life.
Alcohol Awareness Education - As a result of my drunk driving crash, I am now paralyzed for the rest of my life. I had an incredible life going for me with a promising future. That life came to an end for me at the age of 25. Since then, I have traveled the country and spoken to groups of all sizes and ages about the dangers of drinking and driving and the importance of making good decisions.